Saturday, December 18, 2010

Audience Research; Questionnaire Template

Audience Research Questionnaire

1.    What gender are you?            Male/Female

2.    What age are you?         10-13       14-18    19-30    31-40     41-50    51+

3.    Do you like music?                  Yes/No

4.    Do you buy music magazines?    Yes/No

5.    If ‘yes’ then what magazine do you buy?

6.    If ‘no’ then why don’t you buy music magazines?

7.    Name three types of music magazine genre...

8.    Do you have a favourite genre of music?        Yes/No

9.    If ‘yes’, what is it?

10. What would make you want to buy a music magazine?

Whether the cover is appealing or not/ The music style/ The celebrity on the front/Other......................................................................................................

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