Friday, November 19, 2010

Preliminary Work; Initial Ideas

Initial ideas:

 Type of magazine- Fashion magazine

Target audience- Female college students

Season of being released- Autumn (September)

Content- Back to college, starting college, college supplies,
               Autumn/winter fashion, college map

Cover Lines- showing a sneak-peak to what’s inside the magazine,
                     Such as…’Wooly Explosion’ or ‘Fashion Favourites’

Title- Font type: Braggadocio
                        Blackoak Std
         Flowerchild Plain
                   Hobo Std
        Rosewood Std
        Princetown LET
I want the font to be stylish and bold but also sophisticated and girly in order to catch the eyes of my target audience. The above are just a few examples of font types that I have found and may use for my final title font.
Name Ideas:

•    ‘WOAH!’ I thought this would be a good idea for a name for my style of magazine because the expression ‘woah’, explains the emotions of the first year college students. It also fits into the fashion genre because the new fashions always come as a shock to everyone.

•    ‘TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL’ I think this is a catchy title name that will catch the attention of the students because it’s slightly humorous. The only disadvantage to this name is that it only relates to the college side of the magazine, rather than applying to the range of content.

Tagline- WOAH! yourself

Front cover image- Picture of a students    at college
                               Natural environment of students working at
I will take these pictures myself in my own time.

Colour Scheme- I want the colours to be girly but also fit into the
                           season that it will be published. The colours may
                           include deep purples, reds and even creamy

Size of magazine- A5

How often it will be published- Monthly

Date Completed: 22/10/2010

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